Meandering - Prayer Advocates

Meandering - Prayer Advocates

Laurel states, “Prayer matters. To make our requests known to a personal God, the same God who created this planet, should be enough to spur us forward. We are excited to be facilitating the process for engaging adults in our church to pray daily for a youth in our church. I hope they’ll consider this as a bonus in their daily prayer time - bringing these precious ones to the throne of grace where Jesus Christ (our advocate) pleads our case before the Father.”

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Meandering - Practicing Godliness [Jerry Bridges & Jonathan Goforth]

Meandering - Practicing Godliness [Jerry Bridges & Jonathan Goforth]

I am grateful for the many, many wonderful Jesus-loving servants who model a life of good works to the glory of God and the benefit of his people. As someone has said, “Don’t fret so much that your kids don’t listen to you, but be much afraid that they watch you.” It’s true. We all learn so much from what we see in others.

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Meandering - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Meandering - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

There is an old story of a king who called for artists to submit their best picture of peace. Many artists rendered their portraits of peace, and the king finally chose two of the best. The first picture was of a quiet lake among majestic mountains. It’s glassy surface reflected an azure sky with but a few soft clouds gently floating along.

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Meandering - John Wooden

Meandering - John Wooden

Coach Wooden said, “Success is never final, failure is never fatal. It's courage that counts.” Perhaps John and Nellie’s story of genuine love and affection feels like an impossible dream for you in your hope for marriage, your present marriage, in your family relationships, or friendships. Ask yourself, with God’s help, what must I courageously change or pursue now so that I can also experience, and leave a legacy of, true love?

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Meandering - Songs for the Prayer Closet

Meandering - Songs for the Prayer Closet

Elisha had come to realize that he was able to respond to the Spirit of God best when his mind and spirit were at rest. The hush and calm of his soul was important. He knew that he could not create or control the sovereign Spirit of God, but he could discipline and position himself in a receptive way so as to hear the divine, heavenly voice... Along with Elisha, upon melodious wings may our souls take flight high above the tumultuous camp, leaving behind the distracting dissonance of a broken world, so as to hear the soothing, life-giving voice of the Lord.

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Meandering - That Dragon, Cancer

Meandering - That Dragon, Cancer

As much as people’s fake detectors are on at highly sensitive levels today, if they do detect authentic faith, it attracts their interest. This verse from Zechariah grabbed my attention. It literally says that people, desperate to find meaning in life, will ‘take hold’ of one of God’s people because they’ve discerned that God is with them, asking that they too might join them.

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Meandering - Grace Alive

Meandering - Grace Alive

As someone said, “You can’t teach experience.” It’s true, however, in order to get experience you have to apply and practice what you’re being taught. God graciously loves us and redeems us just as we are, but he loves us too much to leave us that way. We are learning new things and changing all the time, primarily through the people and products that we are around the most.

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Meandering - God With Us

Meandering - God With Us

However, our God, who is Spirit and invisible, has in the most glorious way, revealed himself to us through his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus, if you will, is God’s Selfie! “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).  At Christmas we celebrate this incredible truth of the incarnation.

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Meandering - God’s At Work

Meandering - God’s At Work

God at work on our behalf is not to be taken in any demeaning way, as if God needed a job. I, or any of us, could never have done the real work of changing lives apart from him. We are weak, he is ever strong. Apart from his wisdom, we are fools. We are insufficient, he is All-sufficient. In this, our God rightly gets the greater glory. “Whoever serves, let him serve by the strength God supplies, so that in everything God may be glorified.” 1 Peter 4:11

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