Meandering - Beautiful Messes

Meandering - Beautiful Messes

The messes of life may get us down, but the fact that we are even able to make messes of things, is something beautiful in itself. Your worn out shoes, scuffed furniture, dirty dishes, dented cars, relational tensions, grey hairs, wrinkles, and scars, all testify that you have been a part of life. God knows that not all things are good in our lives, but wonderfully - even through our messes, he can work all things together for good that we might reflect the beauty of Christ (Romans 8:28)

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Challenge 2015 - Love Out Loud

Challenge 2015 - Love Out Loud

Jesus said: “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind... [and] Love your neighbor as yourself.’ [Matthew 22:37-39 abridged] On Saturday afternoons at Challenge we take what we're heard about following Jesus and what we've experienced in worshipping Jesus and we head into the community to serve others in the name of Jesus! We call this serving time at Challenge Love Out Loud. In this blog post we wanted to share with you the list of serving opportunities our youth and leaders took part in during Challenge 2015.

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Challenge 2015 - Donations

Challenge 2015 - Donations

At Challenge we provide snacks on Friday night and Saturday morning as well as all 3 meals on Saturday. That's a HUGE amount of food! We want to say an equally HUGE thank-you to the people from NMBC who donated food, time and energy to the cause of feeding 450+ youth and leaders last weekend! In addition to the congregation at our church, many companies made donations or offered discounts. We also want to say a HUGE thank-you to the following companies!

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Meandering - He Doth Steer

Meandering - He Doth Steer

In Matthew 8, as the surging sea threatened to swallow up the disciples, we read that they too wondered how Jesus could be so oblivious to their crisis. Following the miracle-working Jesus, they expected smooth sailing, exempt from the unsavoury storms of life. They found out, however, that it is quite otherwise. To journey with Jesus is to expect turbulent times along the way. Gale force calamity, while it seems Jesus sleeps, causes us to cry out to him all the more. Christ lovingly uses all things to draw us to himself and teach us that apart from him we can do nothing (John 15:5). 

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Meandering - Coram Deo

Meandering - Coram Deo

The truth is, nothing has ever - in this digital age, or any age - been hidden from God. He not only hears and sees our every word and action, but the very thoughts of our hearts and minds are continually open to him. “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good” (Proverbs 15:3). “And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:13). It’s best to live in this constant awareness that God knows all and sees all.

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Meandering - Thanksgiving

Meandering - Thanksgiving

"And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Colossians 3:14-16

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Meandering - To the Glory of the Master Builder

Meandering - To the Glory of the Master Builder

It’s been great to see the Pumpkin People out and about again. The displays - based around a LEGO theme this year, are really creative. You may have seen the LEGO Pirate, Batman, and Star Wars themed Pumpkin People. It got me thinking about the church and LEGO. 

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Meandering - Not Staying Not Ok

Meandering - Not Staying Not Ok

It’s been said that it’s okay to not be okay, but it’s not okay to stay that way. Looking back on Peter’s life, I think he would heartily agree. God transformed this everyday, curmudgeon of a fisherman into a humble servant-leader he used to change the world.  Peter’s brokenness endears him to us, while his dogged pursuit of holiness and obedience to Christ inspires us to believe that God can do the same in us.  

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Monday Morning Reflections

There's always a bit of nervousness going back to two services after having fairly full worship gatherings all summer. Will people return to church who perhaps have been away all summer? Did we communicate in all the right places to create excitement? Did we choose the right elements that would connect people to Jesus and each other? And the questions go on and on.

Pastor Daniel preaching

Pastor Daniel preaching

Now on the other side of Sunday, it appears the planning paid off. The band pulled the music together (as they always do) and led well. Our fun "Pastor Rap" invite video to Back To Church Sunday was received well. Pastor Daniel's message on vision was great and the conversations before, between and after the services were fantastic! Not to mention the children's ministries that I'm sure were amazing as always!

Hats off to the 100+ volunteers who serve every week throughout our campus!! YOU ROCK!!

Sweet Hour and Prayer

Sweet Hour and Prayer

To top it all off we met in the cafe for fellowship (another word for delicious pies) and prayer at 6:30 culminating with a prayer-walk around the property!

There's a great spirit of unity continuing to grow as we refocus our lives on Jesus and His mission in our community! 

I'd love to hear your stories from this past weekend and what God has been teaching you over the past few months at NMBC! Let's keep encouraging one another!

Shout to the North & the South! 

Shout to the North & the South! 

Meandering - Vanity and Grace

Meandering - Vanity and Grace

This glorious gospel turns decrepit, old cynics, who have withheld grace from others, and scoffed at new visions, into vibrant, youthful hearts that can believe again in a new vision for a new day. Former cynics, who receive and relish God’s grace, also become eager to give grace to those who have been unfaithful and untrustworthy to them. They no longer lament, “Vanity of vanities! …All is vanity,” but rather sing out, “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved (and sustains) a wretch like me!”

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Meandering - Dance Before the Lord

Meandering - Dance Before the Lord

Yes, I feel a bit silly and self-conscience sharing all this with you. Yet, I don’t mind if you get a chuckle at my expense, or even if you dislike my choice of music, if somehow you too are encouraged to do whatever it takes to get happy and healthy in Jesus everyday, and really pray! We will be in good company, for David, a man after God’s own heart, also delighted to praise and dance “before the Lord with all his might” (2 Samuel 6:14-15). 

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2015 Summer Adventure Camp Highlights!

2015 Summer Adventure Camp Highlights!

Thanks to everyone who was a part of our 2015 Summer Adventure Camp on August 17-20! We had a fantastic 4 morning singing songs, making crafts, playing games, making videos, hearing from special guests, and most importantly learning about Jesus! Each year during Summer Adventure Camp we take photos & video and create a highlight film. Take a look!

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Meandering - All Things for All People

Meandering - All Things for All People

“I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.”  1 Corinthians 9:22-23 I trust that we too at NMBC, like the Apostle Paul before us, will prayerfully and continually look for opportunities to “become all things to all people” so that we can see some come to faith in Christ and be saved.

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Meandering - Perfectionism & Procrastination

Meandering - Perfectionism & Procrastination

Believing this gospel truth quells my fear of condemnation and rejection because my acceptance and self-worth is not based on my performance any longer, but on Christ’s performance and perfect work alone. Rejoice and remember what great things Jesus has accomplished and secured for you. It will conquer your fear of failure and propel you past your procrastination so that you may flourish more joyfully in your faith.

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