Meandering - Missional Heart

Meandering - Missional Heart

We are inclined to sleep and slide away from our primary mission. Let’s then remind ourselves, and encourage one another, to be ambitious for his glory alone and to never lose sight of the truth that God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). As we especially ponder, pray, and plan the events and ministries for the fall, may God stir us, wake us, and give us a loving, missional heart like his in all we do. 

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Meandering - Wolves and the Shepherd

Meandering - Wolves and the Shepherd

The rescue and remedy is in acknowledging it for what it is. At the close of the day, as the sun goes down, we are mentally fatigued and more susceptible to the fits, fears, and attacks of the ‘evening wolves’. Resist the tendency, though their growls and howls be fierce, to drive yourself to despair; instead, by faith, recall to mind that the Good Shepherd has never forsaken you. He is ever watching over you, in absolute control, working all things together for good. What you need most is rest. Draw close to Jesus and let him give you, his beloved, restorative rest for your weary soul. 

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Meandering - Summer Rest

Meandering - Summer Rest

I do hope and pray that you are able to take a break from the monotony of the daily grind, strenuous shift work, business deadlines, and the never-ending to-do-lists. At the same time, as you empty yourself of all the stress, be sure to draw even closer to Jesus. Commune with him in the cool of the early morning, while laughing hysterically in praise to God for good fun as you are pulled behind the powerboat, and sitting around enjoying the glow of a campfire with family and friends at the end of the day. 

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Meandering - Life-Empowering Cake

Meandering - Life-Empowering Cake

God sent an angel to Elijah as well. He provided water and even baked him a cake. Knowing just how exhausted Elijah was, twice the angel prepared him a meal and said, “Arise and eat, for the journey is too great for you.”  Being obedient and faithful in our journey is ever too great for us also. Apart from Jesus we can do nothing. It says that Elijah ‘went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights.” How much more, in feeding upon Jesus, our sweet cake/bread of heaven, will we be strengthened to really live now, and forever more (John 6:56-58)? 

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Tidal Impact - Day Seven

Tidal Impact - Day Seven

On Friday we had a fantastic day. We finished up our morning ministries, serving at Harvest House, and Vacation Bible Camp. We also had some team members visiting at Golden Years, a seniors residence. While there one of the activities they did with the seniors was Wii Bowling! Our fourth team cleaned up our host church after our long week and then bought popsicles and water bottles and handed them out for free at both Centennial Park and on Main Street at a street festival. 

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Meandering - Masterpiece

Meandering - Masterpiece

As Pastor Sterling rightly stated last Sunday, “It’s not self-help, but the Spirit’s help that we need most!” So, let’s take advantage of God’s willingness to avail himself to us as our constant Consultant for every area of our lives. He, as our Master Builder, will personally interpret and teach us through the blueprint of the Bible and prayer in how we can more and more become the masterpiece he created us to be.

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Tidal Impact - Day Six

Tidal Impact - Day Six

On Thursday morning some of our team attended chapel at Harvest House and then cleaned and organized there. Others served by doing a prayer walk in neighbourhood called West Lane, others went to the food bank and helped sort the food that we collected the night before. We also had students at the regional food depot and at the Vacation Bible Camp we've been helping to lead. 

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Tidal Impact - Day Four

Tuesday was one of our busiest ministry days at Tidal Impact. Our students were serving God in the community this morning & afternoon and then worshipping Him & learning this evening. 


This morning our teams picked up garbage at a local playground; led s worship service at s senior's home; led at a Vacation Bible School; and more!


This afternoon some of our team partnered with the Moncton Salvation Army Family Services Center to prepare supplies that are given to 50 children who are going to camp (campers are given pillows, sleeping bags, towels, clothes, all toiletries), others went to a local skate park to pass out water and clean garbage while building relationships (and skateboarding!) and others partnered with New Life Mission and spent time with young children in a part!


In the evening we attended our second worship rally with the Informants and Ben Woodman at Moncton Wesleyan. It was an incredible and moving night!


Keep praying for us! Wednesday we add the food bank garden to our morning ministries, we attend discipleship groups (Dive Deeper) in the afternoon and we take part in Moncton's largest food drive of the year at night!

Tidal Impact - Day Two

Tidal Impact - Day Two

The weather was beautiful, and Tidal Impact got off to a great start! Our team, combined between all three churches, served at Journey Church on Sunday morning. After church and lunch we spent several hours in smaller groups preparing for the week of ministry ahead. In the evening, after a wonderful turkey dinner, we traveled to Moncton Wesleyan Church for the first of the evening worship services that are a part of #ti2015

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Meandering - Holey Pockets

Meandering - Holey Pockets

The Apostle Paul also endeavoured to counter our morbid tendency to mull over and dwell only on negative, discouraging things. In Philippians 4:8 he says, “whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” He then adds that the benefit of doing this is that, “…the God of peace will be with you” (v.9). I guess, to maintain a holy mind, stuff negative things into holey pockets. 

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Meandering - Overwhelming Creation

Meandering - Overwhelming Creation

Samuel Rutherford on the tides of emotion that would continually rise and fall within his heart. Writing from Aberdeen to Lady Boyd, he says: “I have not now, of a long time, found such high spring-tides as formerly. The sea is out, and I cannot buy a wind and cause it to flow again; only I wait on the shore till the Lord sends a full sea.... But even to dream of Him is sweet.”

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