Tidal Impact - Sunday

Tidal Impact - Sunday

As you may know, this week is Tidal Impact week! We have a team of 11 youth and 3 leaders participating alongside hundreds of youth and leaders form around the Maritimes. The way that Tidal Impact works is fairly simple - churches in two local areas [in 2017 they are Halifax and South Shore / Bridgewater] host churches from elsewhere. Together local and visiting church youth groups form one team and serve God in the community of the local church. For 2017 are NMBC youth & leaders are partnered with Emmanuel Baptist in Hammonds Plains.

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Go Tell It On the Mountain - Year-End Offering

Go Tell It On the Mountain - Year-End Offering

We are so grateful for your prayers and gifts toward the ministry of New Minas Baptist Church. We are committed to Go tell it on the mountain… in the Valley,  by the river, in the fields that are more than ready for harvest, in the highways and byways, casting the gospel net, searching the hills, and rejoicing that yet one more has come to Christ! Your special year end Christmas Offering, above your regular giving, will help us reach the $35,000.00 goal to finish the year strong.

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