God’s Power Promises - Prosperity to God's Glory

Pastor Daniel is preaching the third message of our fall sermon series - God’s Power Promises for Living Stronger!

Discussion Notes

You can download these discussion notes in PDF format.

Warm-up. Share about a time when you felt powerless. Read Isaiah 41:1-20. Ask God to bless your study.

  1. What challenge did Isaiah issue on behalf of God to all the nations of the earth? (41:1) Who did Isaiah say would take responsibility for the judgment being wrought against the nations? (41:3-4) Where do the pagan nations turn for help in the face of God’s judgment? (41:5-7)

  2. What relationship had God initiated with Israel? (41:8-9) What words of promise did God announce to his people through Isaiah? (41:10) How do you feel about that promise?

  3. What, according to the prophecy, would become of Israel’s enemies? (41:11-12) What enemies or challenges would you like to see disappear? What idols in our day do people trust in that seem as frail and pathetic as the images soldered and cobbled together in Isaiah’s day?

  4. How did Isaiah contrast God’s view of the people of Israel with His own power? (41:13-14) When do you feel most like a ‘worm’? In what ways is God transforming you into something much stronger?

  5. How did God intend to empower his people against their enemies? (41:15-16) What images concerning water did Isaiah use to illustrate what God would do for his people and through his people? (41:17-20)

  6. What do you fear and how does it affect the way you live? What truth about God gives you courage in the midst of fear?

Pray that God will help you resist the temptation to seek after the world’s vain idols and instead acknowledge your weakness so that you may find your strength and power in God alone.