Learning About God on the Run - Not Just for the Pews but for the People [Part 4]

In this message Pastor Daniel preaches part four of our series on the book of Jonah. This message is from Jonah 3:1-10.

Reflect & Discuss

Download these notes in PDF format.

  1. Warm-up. If you were offered a trip to the city of your choice anywhere in the world, what city would you choose? Why? Read Jonah 3:1-10. Ask God to bless your study & fellowship.

  2. What did God call Jonah to do a second time? (vv.1-2) How did Jonah respond? (v. 3) What did Jonah tell the Ninevites and how did the people respond? (vv. 4-5) What did the king do and decree? (vv. 6-9) What action did God take? (v. 10)

  3. Share about a time when you experienced a surprising, undeserved measure of God’s grace and mercy in your life?

  4. Read Daniel 4:28-37 and Acts 12:19-25 and compare the humility of the unnamed king of Nineveh with the pride of both Nebuchadnezzar and Herod. Note also how the Lord deals differently with each of them. What are the parallels between Nineveh’s repentance and any individual conversion?

  5. In what ways does God rescuing you and healing you make you a rescuer and a healer? How does God use failure and trouble to make us better and more empathetic servants? Look up John 12:24 and discuss how God brings strength out of weakness, increase out of loss, and life out of death.

  6. What fears do you have about God calling and sending you to go and share his message with others? What is one way you can extend God’s love and mercy toward others this week, particularly to those who you may feel don’t deserve it?