God’s Greatness for Our Good [Part 5]

Pastor Daniel Cormier preaches for week 5 of our series, God’s Greatness for Our Good.

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Sermon Notes

I. God’s Power Makes You Alive In Christ

II. God’s Power Makes You Thrive In Christ

Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. What puts a smile on your face in the morning? Read Ephesians 1:11-23 Ask God to bless your study.

1. What knowledge (v.17) is basic and crucial to fulfilling Paul's prayer in verses 18-19? Why? What do you think are some practical means of acquiring this knowledge (e.g. Jn 14:21-26)?

2. We need to know who God really is because the majority of our problems ultimately stem from not knowing who God really is, or forgetting who he really is. Discuss how this is true.

3. According to Ephesians 2:1-6 what is the state of a person’s existence before they believe in Christ? How do you feel about the truth that it takes the same power that raised Jesus from the dead to birth new believers to life?

4. How is it that times of feeling anxious about being spiritually dry, or fearful of losing your connection with God, can actually be proof that God is in fact with you? How does the knowledge of God’s power and sovereign control make you secure?

5. What are some evidences that you have experienced God’s power in salvation and ongoing sanctification? What signs (or lack of) might raise some doubts about this? What practical difference would it make if we truly understood our God-given hope, inheritance, and power?

6. What does this passage say about the exaltation of Jesus (vv. 20-23)? How might living with this awareness affect our lives?

7. Is there a particular discovery from Ephesians 1:11-23 that you would like to begin putting into practice? Pray the praise, thanks, and requests of this passage for yourself and others.