Reset [Part 4] Reframe

Pastor Daniel Cormier leads in part 4 in our new RESET series. This week’s message is entitled “Reframe”.

In prayerfully planning and preparing this new RESET series, Pastor Daniel notes, "This time of social distancing, isolation and self quarantine has caused many to reflect on just how over-loaded, over-worked, and over-stressed we have increasingly become. Incredibly, as this global shut down has the world’s attention hopefully many hear the gracious voice that says, “Be still and know that I am God.”  And with this realization, we too can reevaluate our lives and take the opportunity to make some changes so that we don’t go back to a frantic pace of life as before. It’s time for a RESET. Together in God’s Word and in prayer through this new series we will learn wiser ways to a more fruitful pace of life moving forward."

Sermon Outline & Reflection

Download these notes in PDF format.

Sermon Outline

Problem: No purpose leads to an aimless, frantic-paced life.
Solution: Know your God-given purpose and priorities.



Warm-up. What might a child’s sketch of your life look like? Read Mark 1:21-39. Ask God to bless your study.

  1. Jesus was a model of busyness without anxiety or distraction. What enabled Jesus to understand and accept that he was not responsible to do every good thing he could do? How can we learn from this and follow his example?

  2. What is the difference between being driven by the needs or approval of others and being driven by God’s call on your life? Which of the two most often drives you?

  3. Do you have a hard time saying “no” to requests? Why do you think that is?

  4. What time management and productivity tools do you use to help keep you focused on your overall purpose and priorities?

  5. What do you do to keep technology as your slave and not allowing yourself to become a slave to technology?

  6. As you reflect on how you have lived this past year, what have been the three main priorities for your life? How do you feel about these priorities? What is God calling you to change?