Reset [Part 5] Replenish

Pastor Daniel Cormier leads in part 5 in our new RESET series. This week’s message is entitled “Replenish”.

In prayerfully planning and preparing this new RESET series, Pastor Daniel notes, "This time of social distancing, isolation and self quarantine has caused many to reflect on just how over-loaded, over-worked, and over-stressed we have increasingly become. Incredibly, as this global shut down has the world’s attention hopefully many hear the gracious voice that says, “Be still and know that I am God.”  And with this realization, we too can reevaluate our lives and take the opportunity to make some changes so that we don’t go back to a frantic pace of life as before. It’s time for a RESET. Together in God’s Word and in prayer through this new series we will learn wiser ways to a more fruitful pace of life moving forward."

Sermon Outline & Reflection

Download these notes in PDF format.

Sermon Outline

Problem: Too many things distract from what matters most.
Solution: Consistent time with Jesus in his Word and prayer.


Warm-up. Are you more like Mary, or more like Martha? Why? Read Luke 10:38-42. Ask God to bless your study.

  1. If you had been Martha in this situation, how would you have reacted to your sister’s choice?

  2. What did Jesus mean when he said that "only one thing is needed"? Why did Jesus favour Mary’s choice? What kinds of things do we often think are more necessary than sitting at Jesus’s feet?

  3. In what ways do the strengths of your personality become your weaknesses and distract you from time with Jesus? How can you prevent such blindspots from dragging you away?

  4. How is it that Martha’s service, of all things, actually distracted her away from Jesus? In your Christian service, can you relate? If so, what led to this and what can you do about it?

  5. How does taking time to be in God’s Word at the feet of Jesus actually save you time and consternation in your life? What new freedom and fruitfulness might you enjoy if you were more “Mary-like?”

  6. What RESET changes will you make this week to spend time with Jesus through the Word and prayer?