Christ's Preeminence [Part 3]

Pastor Fred MacDonald shares Part 3 of our 2023 Fall series entitled "Christ’s Preeminence - Priority #One”.

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Warm-up. What’s the most useful thing you own?

Read: Colossians 2:1-5. Ask God to bless your study.

1. Paul emphasizes that he is “toiling and struggling” for the Colossians (1:29). But he is in prison. In what ways do you think he is exerting himself for them?

2. What does Paul hope to accomplish through his ministry struggles (Col. 2:2-3)? Based on Paul’s example, how can you struggle with God’s energy for your fellow Christians to achieve what Paul describes in 2:2-3?

3. Remember from Colossians 1:19 that all the fullness of God dwells in Christ. What treasures does Paul say are hidden in Christ (Col. 2:3-4)? Why is it important to you that the fullness of them are found in Jesus?

4. What do you think are the “plausible arguments” to which Paul is referring in 2:4 and what does he want them to avoid?

5. What hopeful things does Paul share with them (Col. 2:5)? How are these meaningful to you?

6. Summarize in a couple of sentences the theme of Col. 2:1-5.

7. Think of someone you know who needs to be “encouraged in heart” (Col. 2:2). What can you do this week to help them? Pray daily this week for Christians you know, using 2:2-3 as a model.