#YouAskedForIt - What's the Afterlife?

#YouAskedForIt - What's the Afterlife?

So, #YouAskedForIt is a series of questions. They're actually your questions. Two weeks ago at Solid Rock Youth we asked you for your questions about God / Bible / Christianity. We took them all, categorized them into a few broader clumps and we're going to tackle them. Last night was night one for #YouAskedForIt and we talked about the Afterlife.

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Intergenerational Traditions

Intergenerational Traditions

For over a decade we've had a tradition at Solid Rock Youth - we serve Christmas dinner to the seniors at our church. At the Seniors Tea out students served food. They entertained with music, dance and magic. Lets make conversation between generations less of an annual tradition and more of an everyday practice. We have so much to gain and to learn from year other! 

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Notes from our Discussions on Pornography and Technology with Parents

Notes from our Discussions on Pornography and Technology with Parents

This week at Solid Rock Youth on Wednesday we talked about Pornography. In fact we had two people share the incredible stories of God healing them from an addiction to pornography. Praise God for what he has done in their lives and how he is redeeming their stories by allowing them to tell the stories to others. In addition to our regular night we talked about pornography and technology and screening software, etc. in a parent meeting. These are the notes.

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