One Big Story - Through the Roof

One Big Story - Through the Roof

Every once in a while we want to give you a snapshot of what we did in our children's programs. This helps you to know what we are teaching and how, and it helps you to prayerfully consider how you can help! This past Sunday, February 14, we taught an interesting story of four men who cared enough for a friend who was paralyzed that they went out of their way to bring him to Jesus. This story appears in the Bible here: Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-26.

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Read the Bible as a Family this Christmas

Read the Bible as a Family this Christmas

School is done today for the year which means that Christmas is almost here! I am certain you've been doing many things to get ready for the celebration! I want to encourage you to read the Bible with your family this week so that you are able to keep focused on Jesus Christ, the real meaning of the holiday. In order to encourage your family as you celebrate together, I have included some suggestions of how to read the Bible as a family and some suggested Bible passages.

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